Bill Barnes - People

1981 to 1990 Peterborough from our wedding to the children at school        

1990 to 1994 New adventures in Chesterfield for Adam and Zoe and new friends.  

1995 to 2003 The film era ends and covers up to both kids reaching adulthood.

2004 to 2014 takes us through love, loss, to just before grandchildren

2015 to 2020 Another Generation

2021 to 2022 Grandchildren make us smile More to come :-)

Time flies too fast when you have grandchildren. These little people fix a lot in our hearts but they grow so quickly…

Family albums from 1981 through to 2022 and old family snaps…

Christmas 2017 was enjoyable with Lucy’s parents and our new grandchild…

Photo Album of Adam and Lucy’s wonderful wedding day 19th March 2018

19th October 2019 and our third grandchild… Welcome baby Elliot…

Tony Reeve - Sadly passed away 20th April 2020 - Our love to all his family - Their tribute page

Christmas and New Year 2019 into 2020 - Photo album

Trish’s birthday 2015 and then two days later our first grandson George arrived!

Trish’s birthday only two days before George William Smith came into the world. We were of course all delighted.

Bill turning 60.… Fathers Day album of some more pics, dogs included!

August 2016 - Liz & Dave’s Party for retirement, birthday and cake  Album

Lucy’s 30th Birthday in 2017 and a fun garden party at Old Road  Photo Album

June 2012 Vin’s 80th Birthday his and Joyce’s 59th Anniversary… Joyce sadly passed 10th October. Loved and missed

Very proud day back in August 2011 when daughter Zoe married Matthew. Our photos

December 2017 our 36th Anniversary and the birth of Grandaughter Edith Florence Smith…

Vin Coe 1932 to 2021 Much loved and missed

Right a selection from Vin and Joyce’s first four grandchildren album

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Christmas fun with a family gathering at ours Christmas Eve 2018…

Vincent Coe 1932 to 2021 much loved and missed as last of our generation of parents to pass

Remembering Penny - Adam’s beautiful Viszla Album of our many pics of her and our Viszla Zenon

Barnes Family             Coe & Taylor Family

Rhys’s surprise family birthday party in Kettering the day after his 21st on 17th June 2022

A Cinematic Engagement - Our Nephew Rhys finally popped the question to Eden at the Cinema in Northampton  Google photo album to share Wedding planned for summer 2026

Love to Aunt Effie and our Essex Barnes family on the sad passing of Uncle John who was clearly a fine Dad, Grandad and Great Grandad. Below from my 2004 to 2014 album for John and Effie’s 2006 Golden Party, family already growing!